El interpreté sueco Jesper Lindell estuvo en la sala Riquela Club de Santiago de Compostela, dentro del marco de citas musicales de la 12ª edición del Festival Outono Códax 2022.






El interpreté sueco Jesper Lindell estuvo en la sala Riquela Club de Santiago de Compostela, dentro del marco de citas musicales de la 12ª edición del Festival Outono Códax 2022.
En noviembre, actuó en el tradicional festival Garagem de Rua, en Natal, y fue nominada al premio Hangar de Música en las categorías “Música Decola” y “Mejor Video del Año”, por el video de “Lighthouse”, que también estuvo entre los finalistas del Pipa MPB Fest 2022
Ruptures is the new progressive rock track of Triangle Space. Bringing a new deep composition and performance showcasing their modern progressive side influenced by bands like Periphery, Plini, Intervals and Animals as Leaders.
Mistheria gained is name thanks to several and prestigious collaborations, both in studio and live, with
many international rock, metal and classical artists and bands such as Bruce Dickinson (Iron Maiden),
Roy Z (Rob Halford), Rob Rock (Chris Impellitteri), Mark Boals (Ring of Fire), Edu Falaschi (Angra,
Almah), John West (Artension, Royal Hunt), to name a few.
Upbeat, eclectic rock band, Lunarcode has hit the scene with their dynamic, evolved sounds. Their message to the world is simple, it’s one of personal empowerment and authenticity. With 7 tracks already recorded from chart topping producers, and a collection of cinematic music videos, Lunarcode is sure to claim their space in the industry.
«Destroy» continues on the path paved by 2018’s debut album «Silent Conspiracy», keeping the technical, complex and hallucinated riffs as a unique identity, reminding us almost instantly of the genius Jeff Waters (Annihilator), for example. Besides, another remarkable characteristic of their sound is the perfect balance between clean and guttural vocals, which unite aggressiveness and melody.
CHAOSFEAR is currently composing and recording new material for an unreleased authorial release very soon, but to all those who know their trajectory know that when these four guys get together, the range of possibilities, influences and challenges within their art in Rock/Metal are endless!
«Princess’ Stoned Sleep» narrates the transformation of the main character of «ZebathY» being the moment when she is charged by the entity that helped her in her revenge. Its more psychedelic approach illustrates her shattered dream.
Brazilian contemporary AOR/Melodic Rock band ADELLAIDE, formed in 2016 and with strong inspirations and references from bands like Journey, Survivor, Kansas and Asia, has released a new music video «Girl From Syria», the first single taken from their third and upcoming new album «Deja Vu», which will be officially released on July 29 through Danish label Lions Pride Music.
The album features several special guests such as Vasco Faé (harmonica on the track «Tax Money»), Letícia Alcovér (for love and backing vocals on «Landlord» and «Soul To Heaven»), Thais Ribeiro (piano on «My Way» and «Refresh Your Heart»), plus Lucas Degásperi, Carol Meles and Nathalie Rabelo (on backing vocals on «Soul To Heaven»).