Smashing Dreams - Cover

Smashing Dreams

Con su sonido pesado y lleno de influencias iconoclastas, Smashing Dreams, banda brasileña de Heavy Rock, lanza KISS .38, el nuevo sencillo del grupo que trae a nuestros oídos los horrores de la guerra. El tema acaba de ser lanzado en todas las plataformas de streaming a través del sello latinoamericano Electric Funeral Records.

Mistheria - DREAMS (banner)


Mistheria gained is name thanks to several and prestigious collaborations, both in studio and live, with
many international rock, metal and classical artists and bands such as Bruce Dickinson (Iron Maiden),
Roy Z (Rob Halford), Rob Rock (Chris Impellitteri), Mark Boals (Ring of Fire), Edu Falaschi (Angra,
Almah), John West (Artension, Royal Hunt), to name a few.

Lunarcode - PORTADA


Upbeat, eclectic rock band, Lunarcode has hit the scene with their dynamic, evolved sounds. Their message to the world is simple, it’s one of personal empowerment and authenticity. With 7 tracks already recorded from chart topping producers, and a collection of cinematic music videos, Lunarcode is sure to claim their space in the industry.